Here's What Others Say About 'SMART BRAIN HEALTHY BRAIN'

Natalie Williams, The Senior Newspaper

"Smart Brain, Healthy Brain” is one of those little books you pick up to flick through, but end up totally engrossed in. It is not so much a book about Alzheimer’s disease, but a handbook to guide you on caring for what is arguably your body’s most important organ – the brain. It is a book that may just set you on the right path to a happy, healthy brain for the rest of your life.

Stephen Clarke, Australian Traditional Medicine Society Journal

"Smart Brain, Healthy Brain” is a rich store of evidence-based information on memory loss, its causes and its prevention, presented in clear and literate language and with a balance between simplicity and depth that should make it equally valuable to the general public and health professionals.

Duncan Ferguson, CEO,

Elite Minds

Louise Hallinan is to be commended on her book, “Smart Brain, Healthy Brain”. Louise’s thorough research and emotional commitment shows through and results in an informative and easy to read guide that outlines an holistic approach to neuro wellbeing.

Sue Heins, Inspiring Women

I have really enjoyed reading this book by Louise Hallinan “Smart Brain, Healthy Brain“. Having a family member suffering with dementia I was curious to read what tips there would be to avoid a similar situation for other loved ones. It is well researched and easy to read with great examples and offers easy to understand tips on prevention, testing and lifestyle. A must read for anyone who cares about their brain health – well done Louise for such a practical, no nonsense book that covers many aspects of every day life.

Drew Browne, Director, Sapience Financial & Investment Services

You’ll immediately realise that Louise Hallinan is clearly an expert on a mission to make a positive impact in the reader’s life. Her 5 key areas are practical and do-able and it’s probably aimed at those of us over 40 who want to ‘keep all our marbles’. I found “Smart Brain, Healthy Brain” uplifting and empowering and it’s something to read before you need it – an insightful peak into to minds and fears of us ‘knowledge workers’ too who rely upon our wits and our minds to do (and keep) our job. At last a book that’s readable, balanced and encourages you to use practical ways to improve your brain health. If you’re off to the gym or walk to keep healthy, consider a healthy routine for your brain too. It’s just smart.

Connie Comber, Sydney

There’s a world of new research about what makes and keeps our brains smart and healthy. Louise Hallinan has braved this new territory in her book “Smart Brain, Healthy Brain”. Her own research into these new discoveries is solid, grounded and incredibly informative. There’s knowledge in there we all need to know. Louise Hallinan is generously contributing this for us all to be aware of. We’re better equipped to look after our own health for reading “Smart Brain, Healthy Brain”.

Deborah Michael, Sydney

I found your book “Smart Brain, Healthy Brain” very interesting with a lot of valuable information, which I know will help a lot of people in the future.

Sam Miller, Sydney

"Smart Brain, Healthy Brain” transforms a complex subject into day to day language for us all. In our fast paced and ageing society, it is critical to share this knowledge so we take better care of ourselves and each other.

M. Kelly, Sydney

"Smart Brain, Healthy Brain” is an important book for me for two main reasons: (1) It reminds me of what I already know and (2) It gives me more important information on keeping my brain strong and healthy for an active and intellectual life for years to come.

Audrey Henry, Toowoomba

I found “Smart Brain, Healthy Brain” to be one of the most enlightening books of its type. I’m fascinated that I eat so many of the food recommendations, which is probably why I have all my faculties at 90 years of age. It was easy to read and understand and a thoroughly interesting, enjoyable read.


Lyn Azolibe, Sydney

I recommend Louise Hallinan’s book "Smart Brain, Healthy Brain". I could not put it down and read it twice in two days. The best part for me is the section on vitamin deficiencies – vitamin D deficiency is very interesting and also Chapter 3 – “You are what you don’t eat!” I have a hypnotherapy/reading and healing business and have recommended "Smart Brain, Healthy Brain" to about 40 of my clients which I find will help them very much.

Sharon Hewitt, Sydney

I recently read "Smart Brain Healthy Brain", it was very helpful and provided great insights as to what action we can take, to keep our brains active.  Highly recommended!


The International Award-winning Book is a 5 Step Guide on How To Improve Your Memory & Brain Health.