Are You Experiencing Memory Problems?

Are You Experiencing Memory Problems?
Are you experiencing memory problems? Take some comfort in the fact that you are not alone, as it seems to be happening to more people than ever before.

As with any other problem, your memory problem will not just go away by ignoring it. The truth is without intervention, over a period of time, your memory will only get worse.

The most important thing to do is to find the underlying reason as to WHY you are experiencing memory problems. Everything has to have a Cause and this is true of your brain health just as it is of your general health.

The cause must be found in order to be able to do something about it. You may be very surprised to learn that your foggy mind or memory problem could be due to something as simple as what you may be currently eating.

I have seen over the years what happens when a person has started experiencing memory problems. Initially they think nothing of it, then after some time, it begins to happen a bit more often. At this stage they are certainly aware that it is happening, but do not want it becoming obvious to others and so cover up the problem by jokingly saying “I must be getting Alzheimer’s… “

This is the time when you should start to find out why this is happening and what can be done about it.

Did you know that there are many causes of memory problems and quite a few of these causes may be able to be treated?

Think about how everyone is so different. We are all at different ages and stages in life, with many different experiences and in different occupations. Some of us have had good health, some have had surgery and a few health issues. We all have weaknesses in our bodily system.

When we get stressed, we have different reasons for that stress, which affects the weakest part of our body. For example, some have physical reactions to stress that affect their gut and they get diarrhoea. Some may get headaches from the tightness in their neck, and others may have respiratory problems as in coughs, colds and flu – especially if their immune system is weak and run-down.

So because we are all very different, how could we possibly all have the same causes of memory problems as someone else? It is not possible, and therefore each person’s memory problem has a unique cause from that of another person.

What is similar though, are some of the symptoms of memory problems, such as getting forgetful, foggy thinking, poor concentration and focus.

Because there are so many causes of memory problems, they have been categorised into two groups, Lifestyle Causes and Medical Causes.

A few examples of Lifestyle causes are Dehydration, Diabetes, Vitamin deficiencies and a few examples of Medical causes are High Blood Pressure, Sleep Apnoea and Medications.

As you can see that there are many varied reasons for memory problems, so you should not just jump to conclusions and resort to saying, “I must be getting Alzheimer’s” when you are start to experience memory problems. And that is the worst conclusion you could jump to! There is much more to it than that…. first of all you have to find out – What is the Cause?

So the good news is – whether you are experiencing a foggy mind, the occasional memory lapse or you have noticed ongoing memory problems for a while – There Is Help Available.

You may just find there is a Solution to your memory problem. You may also find that it may be a whole lot easier than you previously thought to improve your memory and brain health.